Bulk add/remove of access rights

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It is time-consuming in Maximo to individually pick and grant access to applications to a security group. One common problem is to grant all access to maxadmin in newly setup maximo environment or remove access to all applications of a module.



This automation script lets you do that. Test in 7.6 environments. 

-- Get module and application list
select distinct appname, (select description from maxapps where app=appname) description, module, (select description from maxmodules where module=maxlicappaccess.module) descmodule from maxlicappaccess order by module, appname;

-- Create automation script with object launch point, on action update, after save, for object MAXGROUP

-- Remove access of application from security group
# Only allow for NTBUS Group
if mbo.getString("GROUPNAME")=="MYGROUP":
    from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
    maxappSet = mbo.getMboSet("MAXAPPS")
    maxappMbo = maxappSet.moveFirst()
    print('-------Script launched-----')
    while maxappMbo:
        print('Processing --->> '+maxappMbo.getString("app"))
        maxappMbo = maxappSet.moveNext()

# Only allow for MAXADMIN Group
if mbo.getString("GROUPNAME")=="MAXADMIN":
    from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
    maxappSet = mbo.getMboSet("MAXAPPS")
    maxappMbo = maxappSet.moveFirst()
    while maxappMbo:
        print('Processing --- '+maxappMbo.getString("app"))
        sigoptOtherSet = maxappMbo.getMboSet("SIGOOTHER")
        sigoptOtherMbo = sigoptOtherSet.moveFirst()
   while sigoptOtherMbo:
            if not sigoptOtherMbo.getMboValueData("AUTHORIZED").isReadOnly() and not sigoptOtherMbo.getString("OPTIONNAME")=="NOPORTLET":
            sigoptOtherMbo = sigoptOtherSet.moveNext()       
        maxappMbo = maxappSet.moveNext()

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