Multi-language label for custom fields in Maximo
Working in multi-language Maximo environment, it could be difficult to add custom labels in different languages. Steps below can help
--1.Navigate to application designer, add new custom label. Override the label i.e.specify a custom label.Save record
--2.Copy the controlID of the label.
--3.Use the SQL below to check if entry is created in MAXLABELS
select app, id, property, value, maxlabelsid from maxlabels where id = '<>';
e.g. select app, id, property, value, maxlabelsid from maxlabels where id = 'selectsparepartfortransferout_grid1_1_1_grid2_1';
--4. Query above must return only one row, note the MAXLABELSID
e.g. MAXLABELSID = 1538600
--5.Run the query below to find if corresponding multilingual lable exists in database
select * from l_maxlabels where ownerid = <>
e.g. select * from l_maxlabels where ownerid = 1538600
--6 If query above return .a row with required language label. then use the upate query below else use insert query.
--Case 1
update l_maxlabels set value = '<>' where ownerid = <>;
e.g update l_maxlabels set value = 'Omaisuus' where ownerid = 1538600;
--Case 2
insert into l_maxlabels (l_maxlabelsid, ownerid, langcode, value)
(l_maxlabelsseq.nextval, <>, '<>', '<>')
insert into l_maxlabels (l_maxlabelsid, ownerid, langcode, value)
(l_maxlabelsseq.nextval, 1538600, 'FI', 'Omaisuus');
--7. Commit record.
--8. Logout of maximo and login using the new language. Navigate to application and see the changed label.