Manual webserver creation for Maximo cluster

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Create webserver manually for Maximo cluster configuration.



Refer steps below, its raw format but it works ;)




The following are the steps for creating a new webserver definition (Internet HTTP Server (IHS) webserver) using WAS (Websphere administration console). 

The new webserver which we have created is REPORTWEBSERVER which has been used for routing the users to only the report JVM’s.


Go to the installation directory of the existing webserver. Ex: I:\ibm\HTTPServer.

1. Take the backup of existing Plugins folder.

2. Create a new empty plugin folder for mapping it to the new report webserver in the later steps. Ex: Plugins_Report.

3. Similarly, create a log folder. Ex: logsReport

4. Check the availability of the port in the server (Physical machine) which can be used for creating this new webserver.

Use this command : netstat -ano|findstr 82  ( 82 is used as an example . If the result doesn’t show this port being used by any process, then this port can be used for the new webserver creation) 

5. Edit the httpdreport.conf in the following areas to later map it to the new webserver.

 a. Replace the existing port value from 81 to 82 

b. Replace the existing value of CustomLog variable to the new log folder path which has been created in step3.

c. Replace the existing value of ErrorLog variable to the new log folder path which has been created in step3.

d. Edit the Plug-in folder mapping information according to the new plugin folder created in step 2

Once the steps a, b, c & d are completed, the editing of httpdreport.conf is complete.

6. Now login to WAS console and Go to “ Web Servers” under “ Application Servers” main tab.
a.    Click New, Give an appropriate name for the new webserver ex: REPORTWEBSERVER & choose IBM HTTP Server as the Type.

b. Choose IHS template as the webserver template.

c.    Use the port value 82 as decided in step 4 & installation directory path of the existing web server. Change the service name of this webserver (ex: IBMHTTPServer6.1_report) & choose the plug-in installation locations as shown in the screen shot below.

Choose the option “Application mapping to the new web server”  as NONE so that we can map this new web server to only the required cluster at a later step. ( In this case, This new web server is created for the Report cluster & needs to be mapped to only a Report cluster ).

d. Click Finish.
e. Click Save directly to the master configuration.
7. A new webserver “REPORTWEBSERVER” will be created.

8. Inclusion of the new report webserver port into the report cluster’s virtual host.

Remove the existing UI cluster webserver (For ex : 81) from the Report cluster’s virtual host. 
9. Add the Report webserver port 82 into the Report cluster’s virtual host.
10. Mapping of report webserver to the report cluster application.

a. Go to Enterprise applications.
b. Choose MAXIMOREPORT application.  
c. Select REPORTWEBSERVER & map it to all the 5 maximo modules as shown below.  

d. Similarly map the MAXIMOREPORT-CLUSTER also to all the 5 maximo modules.
e. Click Save.
h. Change the log paths of the report webserver by using logsReport folder.

i. Once verify the details of the webserver as shown below. (After we are done with the changes in the httpd.conf file as explained in the step 5 , The details should be as expected in the following screenshot)
j. Choose REPORTWEBSERVER , click Generate Plug-in . This step is to update the plug-in cfg xml of the REPORTWEBSERVER with report cluster entry into it.

k. Click Propagate Plug-in once Generate Plug-in step is done. Messages will be shown at the top of the page which conveys that plug-in configuration is complete for the webserver.

11. Creating a windows service for the Report webserver .

Once the report webserver is created, we have to register it as a windows service. 

The command used:  I:\ibm\HTTPServer\bin>apache –k install –n  IBMHTTPServer6.1_report –f  I:\ibm\HTTPServer\conf\httpdreport.conf 

The windows service will be successfully installed, but with few errors.
But these errors are ignorable , because this service will start & starts working without any problems which can be seen in the later steps.

12. Go to services.msc & locate the windows service which is being created in the last step and start it.
13. Once the IBMHTTPServer6.1_report service is started , the REPORTWEBSERVER will be started and it will be up & running.

14. Restart the report servers for the new report webserver to get actually mapped to the report servers. ( ie For report webserver to route the requests to the report servers)

15. Use this URL : http://localhost:82/maximo , where localhost is the server machine and 82 is the webserver port of the REPORTWEBSERVER. This URL directs the user to one of the report servers 9087/9088 through the REPORTWEBSERVER  82. 

The maximo login page which is visible in the following screenshot will be one of the report servers. (Here , The REPORTWEBSEREVR has routed the user to the one of the report servers) 


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